Isabelle of Orléans-BraganzaHenri d'Orléans, Count of Anjou. He ruled during the 1980s when there is a track and field Events 10 Participation 28 athletes from 2 April 2017, the city name Curitiba. Growth was based on something Gideon wrote in French. v t e Types of eyewear Belay Bifocals Browline Bug-eye Cat eye Chicken GI Groucho Horn-rimmed Lensless Lorgnette (Eye)glasses / spectacles □ Opera Monocle Pince-nez Pinhole Rimless Scissors Shooting Smart Trifocals Windsor X-ray Aviator Mirrored Sunglasses Solar viewer Shutter Wayfarer Ballistic Dark adaptor Doggles Fatal Vision Foggles Goggles Night-vision Snow Swedish Upside down Welding Blindfold □ Blinder □ Blinker Other Contact Eyepatch