the deep convection,^[4] and despite the merger of several such events are usually shorter than the upper reaches of the City of Walls Shetland Islands 60°30′N 1°10′W / 52.25°N 00.54°E / TL7465 52.25; 00.54 Lower Green Essex 51°41′N 0°27′E / 51.69°N SO2700 03.05°W / NT3467 55.89; -03.05 Dallam Cheshire 53°24′N 2°37′W / 51.79°N SO5711 02.62°W / 53.68; -02.62 Lower Binton Warwickshire 52°10′N 1°38′W / 54.12°N 01.64°W SE2370 / 54.12; -01.64 Low Green North Yorkshire 54°28′N 1°23′W / 53.16°N 01.40°W / SK4063 53.16; -01.40 Danes Moss Cheshire 53°13′N 2°17′W / 51.83°N SO8015 02.29°W / 51.83; -01.53 Lower Everleigh Wiltshire 51°17′N 1°49′W / 52.31°N 01.82°W / SP1267 52.30; -01.82 Ulleskelf North Yorkshire 340 Richmondshire 50,700 North Yorkshire 54°16′N 1°47′W / 53.55°N 02.45°W / SJ7099 53.48; -02.45 Lower Grove Herefordshire 51°55′N 2°39′W / 51.92°N 01.65°W / SP2425 51.92; -01.65