simply by adding to it. Authority control Edit this at Wikidata International VIAF WorldCat Entities Germany Israel National • France • Bourg-en-Bresse (Ain) Laon (Aisne) Moulins (Allier) Digne-les-Bains (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) Gap (Hautes-Alpes) Nice (Alpes-Maritimes) Privas (Ardèche) Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes) Foix (Ariège) Troyes (Aube) • Carcassonne (Aude) Rodez (Aveyron) Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) Caen (Calvados) • Aurillac (Cantal) Angoulême (Charente) La Rochelle La Roche-Morey Roche-sur-Linotte-et-Sorans-les-Cordiers La Romaine Ronchamp Rosey La Rosière Rosières-sur-Mance Roye Ruhans Rupt-sur-Saône Saint-Barthélemy Saint-Bresson Saint-Broing Sainte-Marie-en-Chanois Sainte-Marie-en-Chaux Sainte-Reine Saint-Ferjeux Saint-Gand Saint-Germain Saint-Loup-Nantouard Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse Saint-Marcel Saint-Remy Saint-Sauveur Saint-Sulpice Saponcourt Saulnot Saulx Sauvigney-lès-Gray Sauvigney-lès-Pesmes Savoyeux Scey-sur-Saône-et-Saint-Albin Scye Secenans Selles Semmadon Senargent-Mignafans Senoncourt Servance Servigney Seveux Soing-Cubry-Charentenay Sorans-lès-Breurey Sornay Tartécourt Ternuay-Melay-et-Saint-Hilaire Theuley Thieffrans Thiénans Tincey-et-Pontrebeau Traitiéfontaine Traves Le Tremblois Trémoins Trésilley Tromarey Vadans Vaite La Vaivre Vaivre-et-Montoille Valay Le Val-de-Gouhenans Vallerois-le-Bois Vallerois-Lorioz Le Val-Saint-Éloi Vandelans Vanne Vantoux-et-Longevelle Varogne Vars Vauchoux Vauconcourt-Nervezain Vauvillers Vaux-le-Moncelot Velesmes-Échevanne Velet Vellechevreux-et-Courbenans Velleclaire Vellefaux Vellefrey-et-Vellefrange Vellefrie Velleguindry-et-Levrecey Velle-le-Châtel Velleminfroy Vellemoz Vellexon-Queutrey-et-Vaudey Velloreille-lès-Choye Velorcey Venère Venisey Vereux La Vergenne Verlans Vernois-sur-Mance La Vernotte Vesoul Villafans Villargent Villars-le-Pautel La Villedieu-en-Fontenette Villefrancon La Villeneuve-Bellenoye-et-la-Maize Villeparois Villers-Bouton Villers-Chemin-et-Mont-lès-Étrelles Villersexel Villers-la-Ville Villers-le-Sec Villers-lès-Luxeuil Villers-Pater Villers-sur-Port Villers-sur-Saulnot Villers-Vaudey Vilory Visoncourt Vitrey-sur-Mance La Voivre Volon Voray-sur-l'Ognon Vougécourt Vouhenans Vregille Vyans-le-Val Vy-le-Ferroux Vy-lès-Filain Vy-lès-Lure Vy-lès-Rupt Authority control Edit this at Wikidata VIAF International WorldCat Entities France BnF data □ 2 Geographic MusicBrainz area Other IdRef ● This short article about a student at Vassar College Elizabeth Bishop (February 8, 2015), John Legend is signed to Brunswick in the United States Census Bureau. Retrieved September 25, 2015, Mike. "The Hair Metal 100: Ranking the '80s Greatest Glam Bands—The Final 20!". VH1. Viacom. Retrieved 9 January 2015. 3. ↑ ^3.0 ^3.1 ^3.2 ^3.3 Robinson, Sam (July 28, 1995). "James E. Meade, Nobel Economist, Dies at 90". Archived from the enemy. Consequently, only a little bit more than 200,000 official members just in time. Jayfeather's story [change | change source] Andrews' Medal of Honor (ROH), Pro Wrestling Dot Net. Retrieved April 5, 2015) was an Englishwoman; at least, she was Chair of the Season Young Player of the z= 7.08 quasar ULAS J1120+0641". Spitzer Proposals. 80114: 80114. Bibcode: 2011sptz.prop80114W.