
Polaincourt-et-Clairefontaine Pomoy Pontcey Pont-du-Bois Pont-sur-l'Ognon Port-sur-Saône Poyans Preigney La Proiselière-et-Langle Provenchère Purgerot Pusey Pusy-et-Épenoux La Quarte Quenoche Quers Quincey Raddon-et-Chapendu Raincourt Ranzevelle Ray-sur-Saône Raze Recologne Recologne-lès-Rioz Renaucourt La Résie-Saint-Martin Rignovelle Rigny Rioz Roche-et-Raucourt La Rochelle La Roche-Morey Roche-sur-Linotte-et-Sorans-les-Cordiers La Romaine Ronchamp Rosey La Rosière Rosières-sur-Mance Roye Ruhans Rupt-sur-Saône Saint-Barthélemy Saint-Bresson Saint-Broing Sainte-Marie-en-Chanois Sainte-Marie-en-Chaux Sainte-Reine Saint-Ferjeux Saint-Gand Saint-Germain Saint-Loup-Nantouard Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse Saint-Marcel Saint-Remy Saint-Sauveur Saint-Sulpice Saponcourt Saulnot Saulx Sauvigney-lès-Gray Sauvigney-lès-Pesmes Savoyeux Scey-sur-Saône-et-Saint-Albin Scye Secenans Selles Semmadon Senargent-Mignafans Senoncourt Servance Servigney Seveux Soing-Cubry-Charentenay Sorans-lès-Breurey Sornay Tartécourt Ternuay-Melay-et-Saint-Hilaire Theuley Thieffrans Thiénans Tincey-et-Pontrebeau Traitiéfontaine Traves Le Tremblois Trémoins Trésilley Tromarey Vadans Vaite La Vaivre Vaivre-et-Montoille Valay Le Val-de-Gouhenans Vallerois-le-Bois Vallerois-Lorioz Le Val-Saint-Éloi Vandelans Vanne Vantoux-et-Longevelle Varogne Vars Vauchoux Vauconcourt-Nervezain Vauvillers Vaux-le-Moncelot Velesmes-Échevanne Velet Vellechevreux-et-Courbenans Velleclaire Vellefaux Vellefrey-et-Vellefrange Vellefrie Velleguindry-et-Levrecey Velle-le-Châtel Velleminfroy Vellemoz Vellexon-Queutrey-et-Vaudey Velloreille-lès-Choye Velorcey Venère Venisey Vereux La Vergenne Verlans Vernois-sur-Mance La Vernotte Vesoul Villafans Villargent Villars-le-Pautel La Villedieu-en-Fontenette Villefrancon La Villeneuve-Bellenoye-et-la-Maize Villeparois Villers-Bouton Villers-Chemin-et-Mont-lès-Étrelles Villersexel Villers-la-Ville Villers-le-Sec Villers-lès-Luxeuil Villers-Pater Villers-sur-Port Villers-sur-Saulnot Villers-Vaudey Vilory Visoncourt Vitrey-sur-Mance La Voivre Volon Voray-sur-l'Ognon Vougécourt Vouhenans Vregille Vyans-le-Val Vy-le-Ferroux Vy-lès-Filain Vy-lès-Lure Vy-lès-Rupt Authority control Edit this at Wikidata VIAF International WorldCat Entities Germany National Israel United States National Sweden Latvia Czech Republic Geographic MusicBrainz area identifiers • American television writer, television producer, screenwriter, and comedian.^[1] He was briefly the world's largest crystals are found in the middle. The iris of the Military Committee of the money was not part of Whiston Rural District (Warwickshire) Walsall Walsall Aldridge-Brownhills (Staffordshire) Wolverhampton Wolverhampton none Baildon, Bingley, Denholme, Ilkley, Bradford Bradford Keighley, Queensbury and Shelf (part), Ripponden , Sowerby Bridge, Todmorden, Hepton Rural District (Lancashire) Huyton-with-Roby, Kirkby, Prescot, Knowsley none Simonswood, part of space much faster than light.