Hello world!#

Welcome to my new blog! I’ll gradually describe all my adventures with self-hosting of various services, including blog/website, files and photos.

I started my website/blog in 2014. It was served using wordpress that was set up on virtual machine (VM) in google cloud.

I felt for a long time that running a dedicated VM for a blog is an overkill. There was huge overhead in maintaining both, the VM (regular system updates and backups) as well as wordpress itself (updates and database backups).

And despite all these efforts, my wordpress instance was compromised in the end of 2023. In effect the website got completely corrupted. I had a backup. But instead of rebuilding the VM, I decided to make it easier to maintain, ideally relying on self-hosted static pages. This requires to re-write everything from the scratch, but my expectation is that it’ll be less work in the long term. And besides, I hope to learn bunch of new things in the process :)