• 2024-04-01 - Hello world!

    Welcome to my new blog! I’ll gradually describe all my adventures with self-hosting of various services, including blog/website, files and photos.

    I started my website/blog in 2014. It was served using wordpress that was set up on virtual machine (VM) in google cloud.

    I felt for a long time that running a dedicated VM for a blog is an overkill. There was huge overhead in maintaining both, the VM (regular system updates and backups) as well as wordpress itself (updates and database backups).

  • 2020-09-04 - Monitoring GPU usage

    If you (like me) happen to be the performance freak, most likely you are well aware of process viewers like htop. Since I’ve started working with GPU-computing I missed htop-like tool tailored to monitor GPU usage. This is becoming more of an issue if you’re working in multi-GPU setups.

    You can use nvidia-smi which is shipped with NVIDIA drivers, but it’s not very interactive.

    gpustat provide nice and interactive view of the processes running and resources used across your GPUs, but you’ll need to switch between windows if you want to also monitor CPU usage.

    nvidia-smi output